Name Above All Earthly Names


Words from Phillipians 2:5-11, paraphrased by Paul S. Berge
SATB, B solo, organ
Published by Fresh Ayre Music

An anthem for choir and organ on a paraphrase of the passage from Paul’s letter to the Phillipians which describes the dual nature of Christ – human and divine.

Perusal Score (click to view)

SKU: FAM-0023-01 Categories: ,


Name above all earthly names
Is the name of Jesus.
Form of God in servant form,
Born in human likeness.
Not equality is grasped,
But is emptied unto self,
Humbled, unto death obedient,
Even death upon a cross.

Name above all earthly names
Is the name of Jesus.
Humble servant, mighty Lord,
God enthroned in heaven.
Every knee is called to bow
In all creation’s realms;
Every tongue called to confess,
Christ is Lord forever.

Glory be to God the Father
And to Jesus Christ the Lord.