La Aguila


Words by Pablo Neruda; trans. Stephen Mitchell
SATB chorus, SB soli with harpsichord or piano, cello, percussion
Published by Fresh Ayre Music

Commissioned by The Rose Ensemble of St. Paul. Four fragments of a sermon written for Queen Isabella of Spain by her confessor, Hernando de Talavera. It uses the metaphor of the eagle to instruct the new monarch on righteous leadership. The second and third movements include Arabic rhythmic and modal elements to reflect the strong Islamic influence of the time. Arabic instruments called for are the qanun (dulcimer), the riqq (a small tambourine), and the dumbek. These can be replaced with more common instruments if necessary.

SKU: FAM-0002-01 Category:
Featured Audios
La Aguila - mvt. 1
La Aguila - mvt. 2
La Aguila - mvt. 3


Pues [el águila] esta sea reyna de las aues,
á quien Sant Iuan Euangelista por la altesa
por lo qual uos os aueis puesto so sus alas sonbra,
protection y amparo, digna cosa es que
Uuestra Altesa sepa essas messmas condiçiones
y propiedades y la significaçion y aplicaçion dellas.

Es tan fuerte su vista, que disen que assy pone los ojos,
syn ninguna lesyon y enpacho
en la esphera del sol al medio dia,
dis que vee los peçes pequennos
en lo profundo del mar.
Tales son y han de ser los fieles xripstianos, que syenpre,
han de traher los ojos en su cabeça, que es sol de iustiçia Iesuxripsto nuestro Redentor.

Para sacar los pollos dellos,
pone dos piedras preçiosas en el nido,
que tienen uirtud de aprouechar en esto;
y para conseruarlos de toda ponçoña
y uenino pone otra,
que aprouecha para aquello.
Con estas tres sacamos nos en lus y
conseruamos todos los bienes que hasemos,
que son amor de Dios y de nuestra saluaçion,
y de la de nuestros próximos.

Alçate, álçate en el ayre y contenpla la corona
de gloria y de piedraas presçiosas,
que te tiene apareiada,
Pues con estas obras
y consideraçiones cobrarás como la águila
las fuerças y uigor de tu iuuentud y primero feruor.
Renuéuese por Dios uuestra muy noble ánima
y procure la perfection,
ca estado tenés,
no de quien quiera, mas de dueña y señora tan perfecta
y tan llena de toda uirtud y bondad,
commo entre las aues el águila,
Vea Uuestra Magestad á qué está obligada,
y para qué fué en la cunbre de las honrras
y dignidades sublimada y collocada.

Translation by Barbara Weissberger
I. Introduction
Since the eagle is the queen of birds,
to which St. John the Evangelist is compared,
for which reason you have placed yourself under the shadow
protection, and refuge of his wings, it is worthy that
Your Highness know the conditions and
properties of the eagle and the meaning and application of them.

The eagle’s sight is so strong that
it can look up at the
noonday sun,
and it can look down and see the small fish
in the depths of the ocean.
So must good Christians always
cast their eyes upon the sun of justice,
Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

To cause its chicks to hatch from their eggs,
it places two precious stones in its nest,
which possess that virtuous property.
And to preserve those from poison and taint
It places another stone
Which has that property.
With these three we come into the light
And conserve all the good that we do,
Which are the love of God and our salvation
And the salvation of our neighbors.

Rise up, rise up in the air and contemplate the crown
of glory and of precious stones
which He has prepared for you
So with these works
and thoughts, you will recover like the eagle
the strength and vigor of your youth and initial fervor.
May God renew your spirit,
and may you seek perfection, for you possess
the noble estate
not of an ordinary person, but of a lady so perfect
and so full of virtue and goodness
like the eagle among the rest of the birds
Consider your obligations, then, and
the reason that you were placed high on the summit
of all honors and titles.


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