Remembering That It Happened Once


Words by Wendell Berry
SATB, solo, a cappella
Published by Fresh Ayre Music

In addition to being a poet, Wendell Berry is a farmer in Kentucky. “Remembering That It Happened Once” portrays the farmer at his early-morning chores, looking into a cattle stall and being overcome with the notion that some similar morning he may do so and encounter the Holy Family, immediately after the birth of Jesus.

Perusal Score (click to view)

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Remembering that it happened once,
We cannot turn away the thought,
As we go out, cold, to our barns
Toward the long night’s end, that we
Ourselves are living in the world
It happened in when it first happened,
That we ourselves, opening a stall
(A latch thrown open countless times
Before), might find them breathing there,
Foreknown: the Child bedded in straw,
The mother kneeling over Him,
The husband standing in belief
He scarcely can believe, in light
That lights them from no source we see,
An April morning’s light, the air
Around them joyful as a choir.
We stand with one hand on the door,
Looking into another world
That is this world, the pale daylight
Coming just as before, our chores
To do, the cattle all awake,
Our own frozen breath hanging
In front of us; and we are here
As we have never been before,
Sighted as not before, our place
Holy, although we knew it not.
~ Wendell Berry