You, who bridle colts untamed, Wing of unerring bird in flight,
who steer ships along their course and shepherd the royal lambs,
gather together all your artless children to praise with guileless voices
Christ, your children’s guide.
Jesus, Savior of this mortal race; you, the Shepherd and the Cultivator;
you, the Helmsman and the Rider; you the Wing that lifts to Heaven all
the company of the Saints; Fisher of Humanity, those you came to deliver
from the Waters of Sin; for fish untainted you cast the bait of sweet, fresh life;
Shepherd, guide your spiritual flock, Holy King, guide your faithful children:
the footprints of Christ show the way to heaven.
Let us together sing simple praises, true hymns to Christ our King,
a holy offering for his life-giving teachings.
With heart undivided let us sing to the mighty Son.
We, the votaries of peace, we, the Christ-born; praise together the God of Peace.