Creation Prayer


Words by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and St. Francis of Asissi, paraphrased by William H. Draper
unison choir, mezzo-soprano solo/piano and organ
Published by Fresh Ayre Music
Commissioned by The First Presbyterian Church of South Saint Paul

Inspired by Bach cantata arias, this piece combines a prayer from The Brothers Karamozov with a slow unison chorale setting of the first verse of “All Creatures Of Our God and King.”

Perusal Score (click to view)


SKU: FAM-0053-01 Categories: , Tag:


Lord, may we love all your creation,
all the earth and every grain of sand in it.
May we love every leaf, every ray of your light.

For we acknowledge that unto you all that is
like an ocean, all is flowing and blending,
and that to withhold any measure of love
from anything in your universe
is to withhold that same measure from you.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

(All creatures of our God and King,
Lift up your voice and let us sing:
Alleluia, alleluia,
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou silver moon with softer gleam,
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.)

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